
Banning TikTok Is Unconstitutional & Won’t Do Shit To Deal With Any Actual Threats.

Banning TikTok, rather than passing comprehensive federal privacy legislation, is nothing but xenophobic theater.

Exactly. Why can’t we have a GDPR like the EU??

Because the corporations own our government...


Banning TikTok is one part protectionism, one part laziness, and one part political optics.

God forbid we regulate an industry and solve the base-level problem as opposed to scoring ez political points under the guise of 'national security'.

@corlin They don't want to make anything fair or safe, they just want to be the ones to control it. And if they can't have it themselves, they want to burn it so nobody else can have it.

@AskTheDevil @corlin

I'm pretty sure I originally saw this here although I can't recall who posted it.

Mnuchin is already assembling a team of "investors" to take over TikTok.

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