This is long overdue! Applause for the Governor. A win for employees trying to support themselves. Hope it spreads nationwide. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@NorCalCherylLyn Gee, let’s just call them half a human and get it over with. How dare they pay disabled workers less than non disabled workers! What dictator wannabe came up with that glorious solution?
@cjcrew this is almost universal. If they hire folks with challenges they do so at a much, much, lower rate.
This article shows the attitude they have and it sucks…
@NorCalCherylLyn That’s a frustrating thing to read. That woman is a cheap asshole who wants something for nothing, even if it hurts the very people she claims to be helping. People like her piss me off and are why I hate people.
@cjcrew she’s continuing the standard Goodwill policy. I stopped buying there years ago. I found out the CEO was making more than 250k and the workers got $2.50hr.
There thinking on it that boycotting them hurts the workers more but I just can’t support the people getting rich on the backs of the disabled workers.
@NorCalCherylLyn I used to listen to Randi Rhodes when I worked second shift. She always said boycotts don’t work. I boycott anyway, but it’s for me, I know it doesn’t effect them. I am stubborn and I can hold a grudge. But yeah, it makes sense that the workers would be the ones who get hurt, most help is geared toward big business because they “create jobs”.
@NorCalCherylLyn I’m a hard headed Aquarian waiting to dump cold buckets of water on those corporations that piss me off.
@NorCalCherylLyn We’ll show them!
@cjcrew I’ve got you’re back…they’ll have a hard time moving me. 🐂♉️