“Pardon me, ma’am… that #pie cooling on your windowsill sure smells like it’s ready to eat. Is there any chance you could spare a slice for this hungry traveler?”
#PiDay #314 #DogsOfCoSo
Shout out to the big mutts of #CoSo and their devoted owners who, regardless of their exhaustion or the weather, are always ready for one more leash walk. #DogsOfCoSo
Ten years ago, I was Little Miss Attitude’s “handler” as a volunteer for our county animal shelter. Here she is in her St. Patrick’s Day finery. Needless to say, my whole pack was enchanted with her! #DogsOfCoSo
Mr. Tan Man is 13 years old, equivalent to 82 years old on the nonlinear weight adjusted scale. He had a laser treatment on his spine yesterday and the vet tech suggested that applying ice after his walks would help a lot. I was skeptical that he’d tolerate it, but placing a long cold gel pack along his back weighted down with a bean-filled strip works like a charm. #DogsOfCoSo
Time to take Mr. Tan Man to the veterinarian for his laser treatment. It works wonders on his achy shoulders. #DogsOfCoSo
Mr. Tan Man heading home from the veterinarian’s office where he aced his “senior exam” and got another laser treatment for his shoulder muscles. Pending any unusual findings from his blood, urine, or stool analysis, he would seem to be in great shape for 13 human years or 82 dog years. #DogsOfCoSo
Little Miss Attitude looking a bit grizzled at 12 years old but still going strong. Same with me at age 71. #DogsOfCoSo
I wonder whether Mr. Tan Man reflects on his good fortune in going from stray to two years in a shelter to living large on the North Carolina coast. I never take my good fortune for granted in having retired here with the human love of my life. #DogsOfCoSo
Despite the cold morning temperatures, spring has sprung and Mr. Tan Man is here for it on his #sniffari walk. #DogsOfCoSo
Good morning, friends. May all your Valentines Day gestures be welcomed and reciprocated. #DogsOfCoSo
Little Miss Attitude (on the right) “Love you, momma”
Mr. Tan Man: “You gonna finish that piece of toast?”
…and I’m back in my recliner icing my knee after taking Little Miss Attitude and Mr. Tan Man for abbreviated walks. #DogsOfCoSo
Little Miss Attitude is not accepting the premise that resting my strained knee today means a faster return to our long morning walks in the future. Resting is not my “thing” either but I’m trying. #DogsOfCoSo
Mr. Tan Man contemplating the forces of the universe that took him from being a stray dog to spending two years in an outdoor “shelter” in South Carolina to living his best life along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway in North Carolina… or maybe just enjoying the aromas of low tide on this morning’s #sniffari walk. #DogsOfCoSo
Good morning to all the big mutts of #CoSo and their humans who venture forth with them into the cold without having nearly enough caffeine. The #DogsOfCoSo always take precedence, even over coffee, but coffee sure helps.
It was 19 degrees this morning, 25 degrees when I took Little Miss Attitude for her usual mile-long walk, grudgingly wearing her edgy dog sweater. I made the trip with a cane to stabilize myself after hyperextending my knee. Nothing stops me from my appointed rounds! #DogsOfCoSo
At 13 “human years” old, the canine equivalent of being 82 “dog years” for a dog of his size, Mr. Tan Man is still astoundingly energetic, spurred on by the cold weather to get outside and stay out on his #sniffari walks as long as possible. Here he is enjoying the vistas - and aromas - of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway this morning. #DogsOfCoSo
Geologist. Volunteer. Freelance-for-free writer. Iconoclast. Dog devotee. EV driver. Retiree.