Hereā€™s the current weather in Wilmington NC ahead of Mango Mussoliniā€™s rally. My fervent hope is that Trump can't land safely and just says ā€œf*** itā€ and leaves his besotted fans and merchandise vendors to get drenched. If that doesnā€™t pan out and he does show up, would it be too much to ask for some strategic lightning strikes? Asking for a friend.


Looks like my achievement might be unlocked soon šŸ˜¹

Disclaimer: obviously I donā€™t want anyone to suffer harm from these storms. However, aggravation, disappointment, and resentment are still on the table for MAGA folks attending an event for the megalomaniac head of a crime syndicate who vows to destroy America

@cassandra17lina Learning to fly without an airplane, or advanced ark building? šŸ˜‰ā¤

@Graci Heā€™s left his followers in the cold, the rain, the mud, and the dark on many previous occasions. Theyā€™re still all in.

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