Has there ever been a CoSo gathering in real life, like a MeetUp?
@carmen Ah no, and I'm not sure if I would even go to that. Nothing against anyone here but I'm agoraphobic and crowds really freak me out.
@carmen Some Cosmonauts have met (and even stayed) with others they met on here. Still others started relationships and others even married after meeting here. But an actual "Official" meet hasn't happened, and honestly I'd be surprised if one did 👍
@carmen I'm not aware of any, but I've only been here <2 years. Some of us on the east coast including Canada, have talked about it - mostly when @NiveusLepus is out this way.
@wolfwoman @carmen Just watch for updates. It seems inevitable I'll roll through most anyone's territory eventually. :P ^_^
@NiveusLepus @carmen
We love our regional rabbit (I know, hare 💙 )
@carmen I’ve always wondered that and think it would be really neat!
@KallieMarie Right? I think it would be cool to convene as many folks as possible at least once. We aren’t like the other platforms. We are pretty respectful even when we disagree.
@carmen I’d love a chance to see people who have been so impactful in my life.
@carmen Is all of us in one place even safe? 😉