@Kit yeah-disgusting. I hope she has body guards.
@Mauve_matelot @BillyBones @stueytheround I was just now trying to recall if there was a month without any family birthdays and there are none. But thinking about it, all close together like yours would be hard on the pocket book.
@Museek @InvaderGzim Because you know, there’s facts & then there’s alternative facts. (I take umbrage at that. I teach at an alternative school & yet we honor truth & knowledge-nothing like the trumpsters)
Some Republicans are worried that Trump declaring a national emergency for the wall might set a precedent for Democrats doing the same for actual emergencies, like climate change.
Where have you been...
A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
Bob Dylan
Pretty tired of the crown prince and princess routine
CREW Files Conflict of Interest Complaint Against Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump appears to have violated federal conflict of interest law by personally and substantially participating in the Trump administration’s implementation of a new tax law authorizing the Opportunity Zones program while her husband, Jared Kushner, held financial interests worth millions
@TetsuKaba tits?
@UnTied No, I’m a crazy CA girl but I teach & the news was on and it changed all. I had kids in school at that time too. Though I am connected to Colorado, my sister is professor at Pike’s Peak & my binlaw is deputy historian @ Peterson.
@SimplyZippy @Stonekettle @USAPatriot @Evvie I always imagine waking up and finding him gone and a sane human in the Oval Office. When I say “joy comes in the morning” today that;s what I think of.
@Evvie Though I must say in some weird respects I envy my older children. If you only watch FOX your brain is such jello that you don’t realize that the president is he that can’t be named, Adolf reincarnate, the scourge of the planet, the destroyer of joy, & the idiot dunce that holds the football in his hands.
@_Ms_J me...
@UnTied 😂 that is funny. Was just checking out the calendar for the rest of the school year & I was ever so happy that there will be no school on 4/20 this year. I can’t even begin to tell you what a challenge teaching is on that day annnd I was teaching on the day of Columbine and that always floats across my consciousness on that day. That day changed everything.
@Minholkin Yeah well I brush the dog and cleaned the cat box. So I’ll take donuts...after a shower that is.
@Fiikus_goddess You are making me so hungry...I want this and it’s not even 6:30 AM.
@Mauve_matelot @BillyBones @stueytheround I am blessed but it does seem that there is never a time for me when all the birthdays have passed unless it’s Christmas.
#Ω Wife 46+, mother/3 +45, Teacher +30, Grand/8 +21, GreatGrand/1 ❣️family, friends students and my job