Here are the guidelines they sent me without explanation. Note that posting one article one time is not “bulk or aggressive activity “ and was not intended to “manipulate or disrupt “ anyone’s user experience.

Self-promotion is not a synonym for spam, and no other platform has considered it as such.

Counter Social objects to my posting my articles here and has limited my account even though their TOS does not prohibit posting your own articles one time.

Nevertheless, I support allowing content owners to make their own rules, even if they do act (shall we say) “Musky.”

If you like my stuff, you can find me on other platforms with the same or similar handle. I’m also at

@th3j35t3r Not sure what part of posting my piece once makes it spam, but if you don’t want such traffic here, you won’t get it.

From within our limited experience it can certainly seem like the world is falling apart and that our leaders are all either incompetent or bent on a installing an authoritarian regime or both. As the song says, however, “It ain’t necessarily so.”

By @captainkudzu

When a politician says, "The problem is the woke ideology," what I hear them saying is, "The problem is the First Amendment."

The Republican Party must reinvent itself - and quickly - if it hopes to avoid another electoral disaster in 2024.

By @captainkudzu

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to end the Republic and Constitution as we know them.

If we constitutionally protect the act of trying to steal an election, we will be planting a bomb with a delayed fuse that will eventually destroy the Constitution.
by @captainkudzu

The correlation between Joe and Hunter is reminiscent of Jimmy Carter’s problems with his brother, Billy.

Less than five minutes into the movie, I realized that this wasn’t going to be what I expected.

By @captainkudzu

New may be imminent

Since before Trump became the party’s nominee in 2016, the GOP has bypassed every one of the numerous opportunities they had to oust Trump.

By @captainkudzu

I’m going to give Republicans some free and unsolicited advice: If you want to win support from black and other minority voters, stop doing things that make you look racist.

“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them.”

If that sounds horrifying to you, given what we know about Donald Trump’s penchant for abusing power, you’re not alone.

By @captainkudzu

True freedom includes the liberty to make bad, stupid, and sometimes even harmful decisions.

By @captainkudzu

The Republican candidates positioning themselves as Trump-lite are all in bad shape. The Republicans positioning themselves as anti-Trump are in worse shape.

By @captainkudzu

The people complaining about the 303 Creative decision conveniently forget about all those pre-enforcement challenges to abortion laws, transgender restrictions, etc. where there was also no injury in fact because the laws never took effect.

“People don’t have to wait for the court to punish them.”

By @captainkudzu

For much of my life, I’ve watched the government expand its power through dubious interpretation of words and laws. The current Court seems determined to buck that trend, no matter which party seeks push the bounds of government.

The constitutional issues in the Harvard case are clear. Affirmative action had to end. The only question was the timing.

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