Please pray for my friends and family who are in East TN right now. Some of the viral footage you are seeing is from my home town I grew up the flooding and devastation is unimaginable. Especially in nearby North Carolina Mountains and Ashville. I won’t be on her for a bit dealing with a lot and my heart is heavy after this hurricane. Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight and be blessed with everything you have. That is all. Talk to you all at a later time. 😥👩🦰
@redsheri1 I am sorry. My little sister is currently trapped in her second floor apartment in Asheville.
@redsheri1 Yes. Her two adult daughters have been keeping me updated. She has not been able to respond to texts or calls right now. And should conserve anyway.
@bmacmixer trust me I know. Just try to keep her calm and maybe don’t share a lot of the bad stuff. They honestly don’t know how bad it is and just need to hang on as long as they until help arrives. Hugs I know what you are going through right now. Hugs. It’s been a tough few days for me personally too,
@bmacmixer FYI disaster roaming has been activated in that area so regardless of carrier if and when a tower bear her comes up as long as her phone is connected to mobile roaming she will then get calls.
@redsheri1 yup! Have been talking to her. Someone is getting her out tomorrow.
@redsheri1 It’s so frustrating. I want to get her out but can’t