Big storm today. Lots of rain and wind. Gotta hope the trailer don't either float or blow away. Well it won't blow away. .. probably.. It's less likely than the floating, anyway. Need to keep an eye on the runoff "creek" behind us and hope the park fixed the wall where it was broken or whatever happened that allowed us to almost flood during the huge storm last year. Foot away from water inside. This thing is a POS, but if's still worth a little something, unless it floods. #TrailerParkLife
@KarenSohne It's been 5 years in this thing. I am not a small man (6'1 and 250ish), so a 28x8 foot box is not great. However, it *is* the most, in fact *only* affordable option in this city for us at this point. 7-800 a month depending on the electric use. Bedrooms rent for more here. We've done what we can to fix it up ('97 and it's been mistreated a long time) and make it comfortable. Looking for an upgrade tho, little longer and with slides if possible. So far so good with the water today 🤞
@blackknight95857669 the gap between income and affordable housing is criminal, good on you for making it work!