When someone says "oNLy gOd caN jUDgE mE" they are attempting to place themselves beyond reproach.
Yes, some judgement is bad. Like most things, it's not a black-and-white issue. But some level of discernment and action based on a person's demeanor, ethics and actions is essential to a functioning society. Imagine the serial killer who thinks they are immune to human judgement. (I wonder how many there have been?) Is this belief harmful or helpful? Is it CORRECT? </rant>
@aspecurian Biblically speaking, the belief is incorrect. The book of proverbs is almost entirely about exercising judgement with wisdom.
Yes, there is the eternal perspective of "do not judge or you will be judged" but that does not release anybody from responsibilty for their actions in this world. It is simply another way of saying "you reap what you sow, so watch yourself!"
@stueytheround I think the more accurate and responsible way to put it is "Judge, and prepare to be judged."
But that's me.
My point, however, is about the specific claim that "Only being X can judge me" which, IIRC, has no actual scriptural basis in any system.
What it DOES have is the de facto effect of placing the claimant in a special moral category that only includes beings with perfect divine authority. This is incredibly narcissistic and shows a profound lack of insight.
@stueytheround However, due credence should be given to your point about judgement being tempered with wisdom.
Including self-judgement. Many of us are, just out of sheer human nature, much more permissive of faults in ourselves. Some unfortunate folks are also much LESS forgiving of faults in themselves and are much harder on themselves than others.
I suppose most people engage in one, the other, or both at some point.
To me, it's about having realistic expectations in the first place.