
This is a shout out to engineers. Whether is mechanical, electrical, structural, etc. We take too much for granted. We drive on freeways elevated 100s of feet in the air; travel in planes miles in the air and over thousands of miles; we flip light switches and flush toilets; we use tools to make more cool things. There is so much we interact with daily that some enterprising and creative engineers had to come up with. If you know an engineer, give 'em a hug and a thanks for me.



Nobody notices. But the world is held together by the maintainers, the repairers, and the people that fix things. QA, is maintenance before it is needed. Noble for that. Under valued for the same reason.

Hail the maintainers.

Capitalism excels at innovation but is failing at maintenance, and for most lives it is maintenance that matters more.

By Andrew Russell

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