Does anyone deal well with endings?
Nothing 'major', just Life. People moving, people approaching end of life, ways of being which seemed eternal, but oops, nothing lasts forever. Sudden changes, subtle changes, slow changes, everything changes.
So weird, we are catapulted on this planet without instruction manuals, they do not teach this stuff, like Dealing with Change 101, and Advanced Methods in Change Management.
Yes, many times change is growth. But also, the opposite. That's the most painful one. Saying good by to people knowing it's likely you'll never see them again. Agree, faith is meant to help, indeed.
@artemis If you'll allow me one more thought--much of the time the space created by someone leaving is what's needed for our next adventure. So, looking at it from that vantage point, it's growth for everyone! Not taking away from the pain or the grief, but remembering that it's there because you have love for them--grief is love.
You are very wise. Thank you for that perspective.
@artemis You are welcome. I'm always good for a perspective shift ;)
@artemis I personally love change, to me it signifies growth. Sure, sometimes it's unwanted but therein lies the practice of rising above and letting go. As a person who puts faith in Spirit, it's also a practice of trust. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.