@jcsimonds I understand the sentiment, and it comes to serial killers and shooters it can be effective. But the fascists have too big a voice and influence. Ignoring them won't make them go away, they'll just get louder and keep working towards their end goal. At this point the more people we can educate the better!
I've been ignoring CNN more and more recently. But this morning I took a look at their page and it's concerning.
The lead is about the suspect in a murder of two teens in Indiana over 5 years ago. This is apparently what the world needs to know about this morning.
Tell me again that AT&T is not dumbing down CNN and pushing it to the Right. It's very sad to see the slow destruction of this ground breaking news organization.
@KyleL This is why many religious upbringings are deeply traumatizing. I used to be so scared I'd committed the unforgivable sin of blaspheming the holy ghost just by thinking about it.