Welcome! Glad to have CoSo resident Bonehead here! 👋🏻 I'm all over the place, but I keep coming back to Progressive Rock, Gothic Country, Lyrical Rap, Classical Scores, Dubstep (Honestly, Electronica of all types), Classic Rock/Metal, and Weeb Music.

Good choice. Classic song. 🥰

Speaking of Weeb Music...


A CNN staffer told Semafor that network executives scrambled last night to reach Twitter after O’Sullivan was suspended, but almost all of the network’s previous contacts at the company had been fired or resigned.


links to mastodon are now considered malware on twitter. tried updating my profile over and had to adjust CS so that it would update. FREE SPEECH FTW

@th3j35t3r @sw00p This seems like a really good time to remind folks that CoSo is 100% user funded with J picking up the tab for the difference. All that green costs a lot of 💸💸💸💸!

Ways to support CoSo:

GoPro! $5/month gets you lots of benefits!

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Donate via donorbox.org/CounterSocial

Skip the bell ringer red buckets. Pass on that Starbucks run once this week. CoSo truly is the gift that keeps on giving so let’s help J see green!

need some help with Counter Social/Mastodon social etiquette: stars = favorites. is that the same as a twitter like? how does one avoiding boosting a post that’s been boosted? is that a thing? i’ve had my acct for some years but didn’t get real involved until now. want to do things right

That’s what happens when Democrats compromise on abortion...

On Thursday, Louisiana’s Democratic governor John Bel Edwards signed in to law a likely unconstitutional so-called “fetal heartbeat” abortion ban.



All right. Last thing: I can't get Twitter to crosspost. I set it up just like the COSO guide said. I see on twitter the app is authorized, but nothing is posting here. I've signed out and back in, switched browsers (bc hotkeys weren't working in Firefox) ...I know y'all are getting tired of me, I swear this is it!

RT @RedTRaccoon

For The Third Time In A Week, A Lone Republican Has Blocked $19 Billion In Disaster Aid.

This time it was Rep. John Rose of Tennessee.


@Heucuva8 what tha fuckety fuck?! snow? it must be the blizzard of the century

ok. i'm stupid. keyboard shortcuts: only work on a PC? what am i missing...

What's on my mind? FREEDOM

freedom gas
freedom molecules

because freedom

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.