Am I the only one becoming so cynical about the usefulness of petitions? I used to believe that they could potentially alter something - I just don't see anything changing and signing them ends with me becoming the target of extreme fundraising efforts. Constantly feeling used.
@altucker Petitions seem more like a way to gain E-mails and phone # for marketing.
Even Referendums don't have the same affect anymore
@Kinnison @altucker #Opinion
I think fundraising has gotten out of control.
If you donate to any of them, you have no way of knowing who or what the money is going to.
Seems everyone is doing it. Petitioners and even people we elected to do those things they are asking money for.
We pay them a salary.
Fundraising needs accountability or it needs to stop.
@KrystalWizard @Kinnison Citizens United really screwed us all over terribly and we're still paying the cost of it. We need both term limits and campaign finance reform legislation badly - but what politician will run on that platform? Too much money in the game.