Am I the only one becoming so cynical about the usefulness of petitions? I used to believe that they could potentially alter something - I just don't see anything changing and signing them ends with me becoming the target of extreme fundraising efforts. Constantly feeling used.
@altucker Petitions seem more like a way to gain E-mails and phone # for marketing.
Even Referendums don't have the same affect anymore
@KrystalWizard @Kinnison A large part of it is that we've evolved into the constant never-ending election. The first day of a new campaign begins the day after election day. We spend way too much money on putting people in power to govern. If baseball can institute a timer to speed up the game, certainly we should be able to limit how long one can be running for public office. Our return on investment sucks really.
@KrystalWizard @Kinnison Citizens United really screwed us all over terribly and we're still paying the cost of it. We need both term limits and campaign finance reform legislation badly - but what politician will run on that platform? Too much money in the game.