So, the bird found this account in violation. It's the most vile I've seen there. Is it gone? No. Still there. They helpfully tell me that it has 370 tweets today. So WTF does in violation mean to them?
@ZonaPellucida Went to the other place to see who this Kyra is & who associates with>>Apparently I am blocked by Kyra.
@ZonaPellucida Wow - after reading your post, I checked on the account of the one I had successfully reported...and it is still there. He hasn't posted in two days. SO do they just lock the account for a few days and then let them go back to hate speech?
@BlueStateBabe @ZonaPellucida I've given up reporting on that site. The last time I reported an obvious Aryan white power account (as in "Aryan" was literally in it's name), I used one of their anti-Semitic posts to do it - they're still there and doing their thing. Looked like the site didn't even put the brakes on them.
@BlueStateBabe not even sure they block them. That violation message has just arrived when I checked.
@ZonaPellucida That has happened to me at least half a dozen times. I report, I get the "thanks for letting us know, they're in violation", so I head on over and it's business as usual, not so much as a restricted sign on the door.