@artbyktk I honestly think its super scary 😞
As a disabled person, I love that they included a visual of Charles using the bar above his bed to get into his wheelchair in the morning. It is an overall minor in Uncanny X-Men #97 as it is only a single panel, but to the disabled reader, it is huge. We recently got to see a similar scene with Takeshi's morning routine in S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #10.
@EileenKCarpenter Thats a totally new time thing for me ! internet always surprises me with new info
@EileenKCarpenter What would that be in CET?
@CoSoTips Do you know if I need to turn it into a hashtag? trying to lower the amount of voting messages I get but people use so many different tags and wordings im not sure how to manage it
CounterSocial is a community of real people, and real people tend to discuss current events. If there's a topic that's harshing your mellow, then we highly recommend setting up filters to remove that topic from your timeline.
Seasoned CoSo users will set up temporary filters to limit exposure to certain topics, then go back and remove those filters after they've died down. It's a great way to curate your experience here! #CoSoTips
@Sukeile - GASP - Oh my >///>
..... We need to art party soon !
@Tarqueth I think fishing and grilling up high on my list, we usually go into the forest and bring some sausages or pork to just add to a fire. Really nice, and the smell of burning wood is lovely ^^
@Targas_Taargas My grandmother came from finland during the ww2, so ive heard many tales from that. And I cant understand how people can forget, nor can i understand how our new prime minister could lie an old survivor in the face like he did, and collab with the racist party. He is currently only hiding amongst yes sayers, pretending like no one is questioning what he is doing.
@Targas_Taargas We had a vote here, but sadly there is a weird ' collaboration' with ofc the most racist party here. Since theyre 3rd biggest they have alot to say, and they are aiming for immigrants, disabled, lbtq+ and women. And I am scared, I already voted against it but now we can only hope theyll do enough mistakes so there is a new vote. - Part 1/2
@Targas_Taargas I had to block all newspapers on my computer so I could choose moments to read about them, rather than doomscrolling. It helped my sleep, and I also stopped having so much nightmares. I am still updated, but not so much scary headlines and what ifs. So now I have more energy to care for family and friends
@Targas_Taargas It's sad to see that everywhere the same story repeats . We have the same issue in sweden currently, You dont exist/isnt allowed to exist.
@Sukeile I miss her so much Suki 😭
Been without a dog since 19th august, And I can say its not easier. I keep finding her toys, expecting a snore, or bumping into her. Her name was Dizzy, she moved in with my girlfriend. I had her in my life for about 11-12 years, I never expected to like a small dog. Im used to big ones, Borzoi. Not small shihtzus that disappeared in the northern snow, but damn she really took me by storm. After a while she was more my dog than my GF, and I loved her.She turned 14, sadly cancer had other plans.
Digital Artist and Gamer from North sweden, Streams occationally over at Twitch.tv/Zolah