My boss took me from 35-40+ hours to less than 20 in the last two weeks, taking my income to less than half what I was earning, after enough employees were finally hired. Something tells me I'm not getting the assistant manager job I applied for. Now I'm going to need to get on EBT, Medicaid, Energy Assist. again, so I don't spend all my income without any way to save.
This really depresses me, as I told my manager over a month ago that my goal for this job was to advance enough so I could save to move in a year.
The next two weeks, I'm only scheduled for 14 hours FFS!
After being at 35-40+ for 4 months, this is a real kick in the teeth.
Makes me feel like my boss really wants me to quit, but doesn't want to fire me.
Pisses me off is what it does.
I think I need to just get smashed. Red, red wine... 🎶
@Astartiel same issue in the UK too. I've just not got a higher grade job at my workplace (not my choice to apply, - my post is being deleted as a result of organisational change) and have been told it's because I'm "not strategic enough" which I think translates as "you're a bit difficult 'cos you like to challenge and question and you stick up for people over process". It sucks. Maybe we should form a cross Atlantic alliance of interesting techie women who won't play corporate bullshit?
@Astartiel Yes! That sort of thing :) Lots of stuff out there for young techie women (which is great) but not so much for us older ones...
@Astartiel (just connected on LinkedIn btw :))
@Zailrand I like that idea! Kinda like STEAM for us older techie women who never got to benefit from such programs (as they didn't exist) or an international union for women like us!