Two thoughts on Pro accounts:

1. For people wondering why it's worth it: I support this site because I know it's full of real people and my personal data isn't being sold to the highest bidder. I rarely use any of the other Pro features, but still feel like I'm more than getting my money's worth.

2. If you can afford to financially support CoSo, please do. If you cannot, please know you are NOT a second-class citizen here and you are equally welcome and valued. This place is for everyone.

@voltronic this. I signed up to pro ages ago, then stopped using much SM at all but kept the payment up as I could see this was a different type of place and I'm in the priveledged position to be able to financially support things I like :) Don't think I've used any of the pro features yet at all

@Zailrand I don't have a credit card, so I help funding it via Patreon - which doesn't give me a Pro account. Still worth it. This place is precious.

And people who cannot *afford* a Pro account deserve a hate free and free of charge "public square" to gather in regardless.



@lovesdaryl @voltronic wonder if there would be a way of doing "pro" Patreon?!

@Zailrand I have no idea if it's technically possible to link my Patreon payment via PayPal to my user data here - I live in the EU, so the EU data protection law is applicable. @voltronic

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