going down the rabbit hole ISO info on SSD vs HDD -- thinking of getting an external 4 or 5 TB SSD for my son (He needs a 4TB minimum and Mac compatible) I'm partial to Seagate/LaCie/Barracuda for their reliability, but haven't found a 4 TB SSD yet.. only 1 and 2 TB sizes.

I must not be looking in the right places? or is 2 TB the max size for SSDs? orrrr??? should we just look for same but internal. Any computery folks out there with an opinion +/or links? Thx in advance..

@YouInMyEye thanks/ but I've had a crash and burn situation with a wd - and though it was several years ago now, I feel shy about going in their direction again. but thanks! 🥰


There are plenty of other mfg's. I've had bad lucks with WD too but then some of my most sturdy ones are WD. It's a crabshoot but way better now than before.

@YouInMyEye Dear You, and @corlin and @Museek and so many others. You're what make so precious to me.

just good people
just good ness here
I love

@th3j35t3r this is all on you.
Thank you, buddy!

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