@XSGeek How the heck did a I miss this challenge before.

Oy, @Kurtroedeger

We should totally do this challenge.

@Fiikus_goddess @XSGeek

I kinda think there's not enough days 😂

Picking ONLY 20 foods. Tough call.

@XSGeek I had a good feeling Johnnie’s would make it on your list

So good 🤤

@XSGeek I recall, we’ve discussed before. I lived about 5 minutes away from there 25 years ago. Was constantly grabbing a sandwich or Tito’s tacos (around the corner) to go

The last time a flew into LAX, it was my first stop as well. My reasons/need for another LA trip keep piling up… a stop at Johnnie’s among them

@XSGeek lol your dad. I’d never heard about that.

Was S&W, nearby in Culver City, around back in the day? Their homemade corned beef hash breakfast was 🤤 Maxwell’s was one of my regular spots as well

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