From #CNN: Striking dockworkers reach tentative settlement, will return to work.
#CNN says Melania #Trump asked them for $250,000 to do an interview.
Nah nah, hey hey, good bye ... #Trump ally Tina Peters sentenced to nine years for hacking into the Mesa County CO voting system.
@MLClark As for the "socialism" it's still a common practice around here to pile and burn trash and yard waste. Don't need no gum-mint to tell me what to do with my trash!
#StarTrek Scott Bakula of "Enterprise" is currently performing a one-man show at Ford's Theater in DC, portraying Abraham Lincoln.
(I'm reluctant to ask how it ends ...)
@MLClark A recent #FloridaToday article reported that one-third of what's in the recycling bins doesn't belong there.
#Florida as a whole is pretty flat (the tallest "mountain" is the Vehicle Assembly Building), but we do have one big "hill." It's the landfill. Bulldozers work all day to cover it with soil. Grass grows up quickly so it's not unsightly.
@catlynne333 Great find, thank you.
@catlynne333 I'm sure there have been many, by many women, over the decades. He probably paid for some in exchange for an NDA.
@catlynne333 Translation: she'd rather have an abortion than spawn another #Trump into the world.
@MLClark Kashyk called her out on her repeated violations of the Prime Directive. Janeway said she'll let the board of inquiry figure it all out.
The Prime Directive seems to be pretty worthless.
But then Kashyk violated his own regulations by not impounding Voyager, so his rules are pretty worthless too.
Just once, I wish they'd contact an "other" that didn't turn out to be duplicitous ... but then this has been the formula since TNG. No internal conflict, so the threat comes from outside.
@MLClark Yep, to quote Admiral Akbar, it's a trap.
Yep, Janeway played him too.
The telepaths take two of Voyager's shuttlecraft through the wormhole. More shuttles from the endless supply.
Kashyk lets Voyager go, tells his crew it never happened, otherwise it would look bad on their record. And there's never been a successful escape from Stalag 13.
@MLClark Janeway compares a space phenomenon to "the Aurora Borealis." Why not the Aurora Australis? Northern hemisphere bias. π
Kashyk wants to return to the Devore to distract them while Voyager escapes. Yeah, right. Janeway agrees; I hope she's been playing him this whole time just as he's playing her.
(It would be refreshing if, just once, an alien turns out to be a good guy.)
They kiss each other goodbye. Still not buying this. (5/x)
@MLClark So if Kashyk claims he's a defector who wants to help the telepaths, and there are 16 telepaths on board, why doesn't one of them (Tuvok) read his mind to determine his sincerity?
Never mind, one of the refugees covers that plot hole by saying Devore inspectors undergo years of mental training so they can block telepaths.
Voyager intercepts a scientist named Turat who knows about a wormhole. It's unstable, moves around at random. (4/x)
@MLClark The telepaths hiding in the buffer are suffering some cellular degradation, so the trick won't work much longer.
Neelix is telling a Flotter and Treevis story, a callback to the children's story episode earlier in the season.
The Devore inspector Kashyk shows up in a scout ship and asks to defect. He says he knows there are 12 refugees aboard and wants to protect them. Yeah, right. I'd introduce him to the airlock, but that's just me. (3/x)
@MLClark The Devore are looking for telepaths. Janeway says her two Vulcans and two Betazoids are dead. I think they're in the transporter buffer (a trick should have been used a long time ago, IMO ...)
Voyager has diverted twice from its permitted course. Harboring fugitives?! Yep.
Seems to me the Devore should leave a squad aboard Voyager until they're through Devore space. Budget limitations, probably. (2/x)
@MLClark #StarTrek VOY S5E10 "Counterpoint" ... Comments as we go ...
Voyager gets pulled over by ICE, er, Devore inspectors. Apparently, this has been going on for a while.
Hello pretty ship ...
Les Landau directs. He was known as "Late Night Les" because his shooting days ran long.
B'Elanna is running extra power through the transporter. Methinks she's hiding someone there. (1/x)
I am a long-time advocate of space exploration, settlement and commerce. Migrated from @WordsmithFL on Twitter.