Blocking so many people posting such sad and overly intimate things about their lives. How are they okay with doing that? It just seems like such a private thing, and why are they foisting their MAJOR life issues that need professional help onto people just looking for chats and light conversation? Good grief. Please stop inflicting your hugely deep trauma on plain ol' people just looking to talk about trees and pets and holidays and their cool random tattoo. We're not qualified to help you.
@Tattoomonkey29 I'm not being mean by sharing my discomfort with their oversharing. We don't all have to go along with someone graphically spewing their traumatic issues in a public space. I don't happen to understand that tack, and I don't want to participate in it, and somehow I'm a bad person for then sharing my truth about those feelings? So unless you are a sympathetic sponge, you're mean? It makes no sense to me.