Got my Covid & Flu shots yesterday. Bit of a sore arm is all the effects I'm feeling.

The grands are little germ factories. Gotta protect myself!


My Covid vax tomorrow. My Denver son already has Covid.


Oh. Crap. Thought you meant he already got the booster.

Hope it's a mild one for him.


Third time. He’s a hair stylist & gets from clients who don’t vax or mask.

@LnzyHou @VictoriaLandis1
I don't' know if he has any say in his job but my hair stylist (during the height of the pandemic) refused to serve anyone who didn't mask up. It is still out there, folks. Hope your son recovers quickly.


@LnzyHou @anniecoughlin

Hoo-boy. That's tough. Sneaky airborne virus, isn't it?

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