Got the car insurance quote for when I move out of South Florida to the Wilmington, NC area.

It's going from $300.00 month to $87.00 month!!

Florida is soooo screwed up. Costing more & more to live here every year.

@VictoriaLandis1 are you buying a house or renting up there? What’s the prop insurance differential if buying a house?

I’m just under 6k now. After I retire I’d have to dock away at least 1k a month to cover prop insurance and prop taxes( house will be paid off before I retire)



I'm renting. But my ex (the good one) moved up there last year from Boca Raton. He's got twice the size house, with sooo many more features, and now pays less than half of what he paid in property insurance in Boca.

He was at $6,800.00 in Boca. His 2800 sf house now in Wilmington is $2,700.00 a year now.

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