
Yay! Got the link for registration for my Jan. 14th workshop at the Sherman Library at Nova Southeastern U.

Via Zoom - you can attend from just about anywhere. 2PM Eastern.

It's FREE! But you must register.


Mostly fiction - but a lot of what applies to fiction also applies to non-fiction.

The objective is always to keep the reader turning pages.

@VictoriaLandis1 Thanks for the information! I'll have to see if that's an appointment day or if I can make it.

@VictoriaLandis1 Am interested. Can anyone join/attend or must I have an NSU card of some sort?


No. Anyone can attend. They do limit the number of ppl who can do the Zoom call, tho.

I think it's 100? It has filled up in prior years, so register soon.

I think it's going to be fun. Lots of examples, good & bad. Lots of interactive participation - but only if the person wants to. Many opt to just watch & listen.

Hope to see you there? Here's the link to the registration page.

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