Holy shit, they've seen some bad cases, and I've seen the MRIs...it must be pretty bad 😕


No wonder he became a homicidal maniac! There have been players in the sport 40 years who didn't have it that bad.


Yep. The NFL's current programs are insufficient.

Phillip Adams. Age 32. Stage 2 CTE. Killed 6 people and himself. Deemed ineligible for the NFL CTE programs because of when he retired (due to career ending injury).


@Cosmichomicide @Usama_Backhair Perhaps the solution is to... I don't know... maybe *stop having people do things that cause brain damage*, when we know there's no real way to prevent said brain damage from happening when they do the thing.

(Most) sports in a nutshell: a bunch of grown ass adults aggressively fucking around with a (usually spheroid) symbolic object in such a manner as to practically guarantee many of them end up with severe CTE, as a form of ritual conflict / entertainment.

@IrelandTorin @Usama_Backhair

But we can measure it. We did. For a while. And then decided to stop.

See, the military has the same issue with blast concussions. And collected a ton of data. Then cancelled the program.


@IrelandTorin @Usama_Backhair

Why is it important outside of contact sports and the military? Domestic violence, child abuse, falls, diving, slip and slides, car accidents, swinging doors, low ceiling beams...

@Cosmichomicide @Usama_Backhair Pretty sure the reason they stopped measuring it is because they couldn't find any feasible way to actually protect players (or soldiers, for that matter) from brain injuries without radically changing the parameters of the situation at a feasible cost.

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