@TwiHusband Doesn't look much like Donny...
@BillieBun @TwiHusband he looks more like Melania, but he has family resemblance to Junior & Eric. Trump is extremely sensitive about his height, so it must drive him bonkers that Barron is so much taller.
as for inhuman, he looks like every late teen with affluenza...
Because Barron is the reincarnation of the “tall man” from the phantasm movies.😳
@TwiHusband looks more like Gary Busey, as does Eric Trump, hummm
@TwiHusband Considering what he must have grown up in, I’d guess he’s just completely shut down in order to survive. Can you imagine waking up to THAT ugly puss and THAT annoying voice?
I'm picturing the scene from Rosemary's Baby