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The Poisoned Princess (Warders #1), by Armen Pogharian (author), Michelle Babb (narrator), reviewed at Lis Carey's Library

Watercolor painting by Stanislaw Zoladz. Plein air watercolor artist born in Poland.

W a t e r c o l o r!!

' Elon Musk’s Clumsy Twitter Rebrand to ‘X’ Falls Flat on Its Face

The crowdsourced logo closely resembles a generic Unicode character, an international symbol that would be impossible to trademark, according to Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins.

Making matters even more chaotic, both Meta and Microsoft own the trademarks for similar versions of the X symbol, portents of potentially long and bloody legal scraps to come '

Never found out what this was doing here, but a shoe, made of twigs, paced on a tomb in Penshurst village church, Kent

Tomb of Henry Boleyn, a son of Thomas Boleyn and (probably an elder) brother of Anne, George and Mary Boleyn

St Peter's Church, Hever, Kent

Early Summer Rain, Arakawa

I love the way the guy on the boat is looking out at the lady. 😍

This place isn't Twitter.

I joined here almost six years ago because Twitter was a toxic vat of abject failure long before it was a twinkle in Melon Husk's eye.

Look around. There aren't any "influencers." No one is trying to manipulate you into anything. All you see is real people being real.

Graffiti from the Beauchamp Tower in the Tower of London. Thought to be the falcon badge of Anne Boleyn, carved by one of her supporters/the men arrested with her. Usually her falcon wore a crown but here it is missing, possibly indicating her fall from power

The Harold Stone, Skomer Island, Wales

Neolithic or possibly bronze age, and may have been a marker for navigation from the sea

Here's a Grey Seal, just chilling in a dinghy on the sea, to cheer up your Tuesday!

Spotted on the way to Skomer Island

Eastern Bluebird Mama taking a break from sitting on her nests. I don't think she was finished laying eggs.

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