@BrazenlyLiberal I'm just trying to figure out now where I can find a lot somewhere (for a public park or something) to park because let's be honest, a white vw rolling by your house with a camera would be a tad suspicious regardless of intent. At least if Im walking less likely to bring attention to myself. I gotta plan this lol. Being I won't have a job after Thurs I'm gonna take some time for myself to recharge. Haven't had a vacation in 11 years


@LnzyHou @BrazenlyLiberal why I won't have a job after Thurs? That's a book. Everything fell on my shoulders, people that should be held accountable in the store aren't,company as a whole doesn't care about it's employees, call ins all the time and 80% of the time it's me who gets stuck. Everyone seems to get 2 days off in a row ...except me. But where I'm hoping to go (should know within 2 weeks) I'll have a set schedule, weekends off as well as summer. And it'll be better work/life balance

@Timmah1979 @LnzyHou

🤞Good luck, T! Sounds like making the move is right for you. Reporting every day to miserable job wears away a person even more than they realize.

@LnzyHou @BrazenlyLiberal well that's gonna be fulfilled as well. I got so many projects I've been wanting to do my inner child is looking forward to it. Writing my first book, got a podcast in the works, YouTube channel and I'm going to get to do some travelling. Haven't done any since college. I'm actually thinking this summer of taking my bike down route 66. If I figured it out correctly should take me 5 weeks depending how many detours and how much riding time I wanna do

@LnzyHou @BrazenlyLiberal yep. I've been wanting to do that for at least 8 years now. I think it would def be a trip to remember

@LnzyHou @BrazenlyLiberal then I'm gonna go down to LA and visit the sunset strip where all my rock heroes got their start. Leaving where I am literally is the best thing that i could have done .

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