@BrazenlyLiberal I'm just trying to figure out now where I can find a lot somewhere (for a public park or something) to park because let's be honest, a white vw rolling by your house with a camera would be a tad suspicious regardless of intent. At least if Im walking less likely to bring attention to myself. I gotta plan this lol. Being I won't have a job after Thurs I'm gonna take some time for myself to recharge. Haven't had a vacation in 11 years

@BrazenlyLiberal yeah I work retail. Started as a CSA moved up to photo dept (which I was a natural fit for me for obvious reasons!) then became manager of that department eventually becoming a shift manager (1 step below manager) . So when that happened and knowing how bright the coworkers are I never took off because I didn't want Armageddon when I came back


I get that. I used to have a boss who did NOT believe in teaching any of her employees everything she did. She wanted to make sure the company would be very happy to see her come back πŸ˜…


@BrazenlyLiberal thus the reason I'm leaving. Done being Cinderella. Worst part is it happened in 4 stores (same company ) I just have that aura about me I guess

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