Apparently a high pain tolerance runs in the family, my dad and my sister were both talking about it, too.
When I had my appendicitis, I wasn’t sure if I just had bad gas or my appendix was inflamed. A friend had a bad time with a customer and was flinging rusty ladder around and took a rather large chunk of my arm out and I just kept eating my sandwich.
I’ve fallen off of my OneWheel, almost separated my shoulder and have had blood pooling into my sock and I just shrugged.
@EnochianEntropy I took have a high pain tolerance. Kind of good for getting sleeve tattoos but also bad, when it hurts it really effing hurts. LoL
I also push myself.way to hard in my Muay Thai class because it. I've had coaches pull me back or tell me to break.
@EnochianEntropy OMG same!!
@ThrasherPrime Get me mildly sick, though, and I have to stop the whole world.