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Otherwise known as unrequited love. Spent many years with it; we’re intimate.

The Breeze boosted

My Americans
= the Peter, Jack, Dennis characters in "Easy Rider"
= the skiers in a Warren Miller film

MAGA = the table in the diner, and the two guys in the pick-up truck, at Easy Riders' final scene.

Sure!! Sounds like a great idea… Where do I send the money?

sometimes, the Life-impacting changes that have happened over the last decade or so leave me a bit disillusioned.

I don’t need to… I, regrettably, remember mostly when I sounded stupid in real life.

Now multiply that by 10, and you have management by committee.

The Breeze boosted

I always thought it was from the noise made by guys who have it, when the yell and slap the side of the urinal🤣

The Breeze boosted

I am considered by both IBM and HP to be an SME, with regard to Information Technology. I’m happy to help you out with what an API is, and why they exist.

This “tornadoes at night” crap gets unnerving…

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The Breeze

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.