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The Breeze boosted

If I opened a can of sweet potatoes and found that it contained collard greens, I’d be pleasantly surprised.

My wife, on the other hand, would burn Publix to the ground!

Hoo-Ha!!! We have a lucky winner! So far, you and I are it?

Well, you lucky soul, who did YOU piss-off to get PN?

The Breeze boosted

Welcome new . A quick heads up

Every so often we go through a new influx of users. It's worth noting a few things:

1. We've been here for 5 years. Please don't start by trying to mould Coso into what YOU think it should be.
1. We're conversation-driven. Feel free to join in any that are already happening, just be respectful.
2. This isn't Twitter and it's not the new Rebel Base. Many of us lean left in politics, but by no means all
3. Remember Coso's golden rule: Don't Be A Dick 👍

The Breeze boosted

I tried to explain to my dad what whippets were and how you use them. Thanksgiving

I’ve only been here a few days. So far, it’s fairly intuitive; but not if you are on a phone. IMHO, you need to use a larger screen (eg iPad) in order to make any sense of how this site is put together.

The Breeze boosted

I think it means that whatever you are trying to post requires an upgrade account. But that’s just a SWAG…

Is there a “quick & easy”, or do I need to find a user’s guide?

The Breeze boosted

Do you want to know a secret?

The best reason to use is because of politics and news.

You can effectively filter out a lot of that here. Instead of seeing nothing but politics and bad news - you can read someone's recipe, listen to a song that a person wrote and recorded.

Instead of inundating yourself with content that depresses, you can enjoy a drawing or a poem, or share a joke with a friendly stranger.

This is a bespoke community where the golden rule is really the only rule.

Are there any peripheral neuropathy sufferers out there?

Oh just do the whole thing right. Go into the forest/nursery and saw down a tree, drag it out, and tie it to the roof of your car♥️

The Breeze

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.