@TheNewsOwl Sadly - family in FL affirms this - Florida is full of cult members that love him.

@yobaba @TheNewsOwl

When I mention my hatred of Ron to my father, who lives in Florida, he said it was none of my business bc I don't live there.

If you knew my father, this would make you fall off your chair. My father never spoke to me like that before frump. As a little girl, my father was my hero. That little girl is crushed by what her hero has become - unrecognizable.

@JoyfullyDazed @yobaba @TheNewsOwl I’m so sorry. My Daddy will be gone 15 years in April. He was/is my hero and was a hero to many. My mother is toxic and abusive. I only mention that because people say β€œbut their your family……..” as if that somehow makes it necessary for you to put up with toxic behavior. My wise therapist said no. No is a complete sentence. You must choose to heal the relationship. Grieve the relationship. Set boundaries. Whatever is best for you. ❀️

@OfficiallyPatty @JoyfullyDazed @yobaba 100% Patty, I have disconnected from my family because they are very toxic and negative for me. On top of just being all magas and conservatives which I am not. I haven't spoken to them or engaged with them for years. my mother always made me out to somehow be the bad one no matter what I did. She is a control freak.

@TheNewsOwl @JoyfullyDazed @yobaba Same. Control freak, narcissist, emotional manipulator and always the victim. My Dad raised me (they were married) and it took me years to build proper boundaries. Good therapy and distance has been so helpful. This time of year I hear β€œBut they are family…..” so much more. No. Not if it costs you your mental health. Sometimes the family you create of friends, etc is much healthier that blood relatives.


@OfficiallyPatty ❀️ I do not blame people who say such because I do understand they tend to have better relationships with their family so they do not understand how someone could be so toxic but yeah I do get that phrase a good bit as well. or I will get the whole phrase," but don't you want to make things right before they pass away etc.?" or something similar. It can be very annoying to be honest because mental health comes first & sentimental reasoning is silly. @JoyfullyDazed @yobaba

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