@MotherDucker I'm so tired of we, the voters, being expected to serve as the sole guardrail against you-know-who. If our leaders and institutions had done their jobs, he never would've been allowed to run again.
@AmserJ Deeply sorry for your loss.
@danialexis I agree that it was beautifully shot. Tonally, I thought it was so grimdark that it almost seemed like a parody of a super-angsty, self-serious Batman movie.
@danialexis I loved it. Glad I gave it a shot despite having a pretty low opinion of the movie that spawned it.
@MotherDucker I would love to see this, but it seems like our leaders have just rolled over for them. I hate that we, the voters, have repeatedly been the only guardrail against Trump.
@Coctaanatis LOL!
Creator of a depressing comic strip. Liver of a depressing life. Writer of depressing bios.