That lines up with the Marist early voter polls.
I have a feeling a shit-ton of garbage Turdmp-affiliated /financed polls, along with the RealClearBullshit polls are going to flood the zone this week to show fake momentum for him in the swing states and lay the ground work for the post-election shitshow after he loses.
That graphic is from this Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/1gbxbfj/in_some_encouraging_news_marist_polled_early/)
But the numbers can be corroborated on the Marist polls site:
@TheAbbotTrithemius Yes, I knew that polls were products bought and paid for and could be twisted to mean just about anything, so I have not been giving them any credibility. But actual votes are different, and seeing the gender gap indicates the women are rising up to take back their rights.
Which is all to say: Dems/Cons - NTs / Indies supporting Harris, need to remain focused, unstoppable, and not get freaked out or discouraged by it. That's what HE, the epic Turdmp COCHFACEWAFFLE wants.