It's really basically saying he's (Bezos) not really concerned with Harris supporters who've made him a multi-billionaire over many many years, he doesn't think they're important in all this or to be taken seriously.
In a nutshell, Bezos takes libs, dems, progs, anti-Trump conservatives, for granted and not at all people who he needs to be sensitive towards.
No, he needs to go tits up and get in line or he fears possible Turdmp payback.
I say fuckk that, he should fear US not that fat fuck.
I mean this is it, this is the moment when a free press is most important of all, even more so (WAY MORE) than Watergate...
and Bezos has let it FAIL it's more sacred mission...
There's no words here for the level of contempt and disgust I feel right now for him, for all the techno-bros who were all given WAAY to much free reign.
Bezos should fear US, the people he failed miserably.
/End rant
Thanks for reading.
He goes tits up for Trump when the going gets rough, when Trump's fascism, bigotry, anti-antisemitism is in full display.
He uses words like "vermin" and phrases like "poisoning the blood" of America, he flirts with neo-nazies like Nick Fuentes...I men on and on and on it goes...
And in this moment Bezos turns his back on this country's sworn historical mission to fight tyranny.