@TheAbbotTrithemius Before my bookclub last night I was conversing with one of the members, and we had a long discussion about the pernicious effects of the internet, specifically social media.


It's a weird thing. I think it needs to be backed up with IRL activities or honestly, I think it ruins our sense of selves, our sense of others, or sense of reality...

@TheAbbotTrithemius @LiberalLibrarian speaking of which, we need to walk the dogs today. It's going to rain all day tomorrow.



I thought dogs need be waked every day. Isn't that how dogs work?

Has the Dog Operators Manual been revised or something??

Woof woof ??


@TheAbbotTrithemius @LiberalLibrarian it depends on the dog, and on whether you have a decent size fenced backyard, which we do. The main reason that was that the chief dog walker was walking with a cane for a lot of the winter.

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