
“Long-termism” is an ugly, ugly REGRESSIVE ideology, that excuses any horror, any sociopathic behavior and any atrocity in the present.

It is warped and evil and sounds like an updated revision of Mein Kampf as conceived by a technocrat.

The Twitter deal needs to be stopped.

Please read:

@TheAbbotTrithemius So glad to see someone posting this. I checked in on the bird site this morning and was appalled at all the people talking up bluesky. What these tech billionaires are trying to do makes my skin crawl.

@WendyForbes @TheAbbotTrithemius
I've been wondering about that and hadn't seen anything that sorted it out, thanks. :)


Any alignment with Putin is un-fucking-acceptable for one thing, but to try and make Twitter “protocol level”, is an alarm bell for massive, massive information, thought and reality control.

@TheAbbotTrithemius I wasn’t exactly sure what that meant but I definitely had read enough on longtermerism and Musk and Dorsey’s comments about Musk and technology in general to be disturbed. Dave Troy did a great job of explaining in layman’s terms everything else. Thanks for sharing it as I now have somewhere to direct people in my life who still think Musk is an awesome genius humanitarian. Ugh.

@TheAbbotTrithemius I read this and it paints an ugly future. I am very scared for the the kind of country and world that I have brought kids into.



Long-termism is a kind of enslavement not only to some abstract future, but to people like Musk who envision themselves as visionary figures.

All for space travel/exploration etc, but doing right by an evolved future human race needs to perhaps. start by fixing planet earth? Just a thought…

This is as batshit as any other cultish movement and like many of those will most likely implode under the weight of its own lunatic arrogance and hubris.

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