@MisterE Last 3 weeks have been productive AF, with interviews for work, so today I think I neeed to re-start the exercise regimen (and kick the ole clinical depression beast in the teeth and back in its corner), but alas the cold and lack of belief that a gym won't get me the COVID, make this a struggle.

I could ride a bike over a bridge a few times that's a bit of bastard and a great effin workout, but it gets flippin cold up there!!

How about you??

@TheAbbotTrithemius Yeah. Cold here as well, but the Sun is out and should warm up, so I'll be outside for short stints. Doing well here, thanks. Phone calls and paper-work. No big deals.

Good luck with the interviews and job prospects. Exercise too. Walking is good stuff.


@MisterE Thanks you too!

It is! And cold becomes moot after building up a sweat anyway. It's like a force field!!

Have a good day Mister E! πŸ‘ πŸ˜€

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