Eminem lets the Biden campaign use "Lose Yourself" for a political ad:
^^^ Third watch. LOL.. I really like it I guess:
So there's real sense of undeniable forward motion, personal strength (the runner), American values (the heartland, the city), spirit of competent sacrifice (the first responders, the election officials) and quiet intlellgent, spirited patience (the voters waiting on lines, especially the woman with the short haircut),
The slow motion Biden and Harris in B&W in slow mo, like professionals stepping into their places. The "adults" as it were. :)
It’s a great ad. Very well done.
^^ Just realized they must've put this together really fast, because check out the defiant placement of the Biden/Harris bus at the beginning of the ad.
Also, that is some stellar black and white cinematography as well.
Very classy, iconic and timeless.
I've beenimpressed by Biden's team. They're responsive, have a sense of humor and are invisible, meaning they do their job super well.
I'm really going to like having a President Biden who can pick good people and let them shine so bright.