

My MacBook’s gone cray after installing Mojave.

When I’d plug it in to the power adapter it froze my keyboard and trackpad and the bluetooth screen came up requesting I connect a BT mouse and keyboard.

I got through it once with s magic keyboard, but no mas. I reset the SCM and the PRAM and now all I get on restart are these two screens alternating.

Does anyone know what’s going on??

@TheAbbotTrithemius Mojave did not go smoothly for me either. Mostly resolved now, but I was pretty sure it'd bricked by macbook for a while there.


Thought I’s resolved it but now back to those two annoying screens above ^^^

No Apple OS upgrade has ever been this problematic for me.

If I’d wantes this much stress and time wasted I would’ve stuck to Windows. 🤣🤣


@TheAbbotTrithemius That’s frustrating. I acknowledge that pushing Mojave onto a 6 year old machine was pushing my luck but what can you do?

@TheAbbotTrithemius @coldclearsea Such a shame. My upgrade to Mojave was surprisingly smooth, and feels like I dodged a bit of a bullet by getting on the 10.14.1 beta track ASAP afterward. :)

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