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Hmm, yo Rs, if you can’t find your way to voting for a D for prez but know TFG is/will be a disaster, can you just write in “Stormy Daniels”.

It’s maddening.
Marco, Ted, GOP et al if you can no longer support the rule of law you should no longer be lawmakers.
A bunch of sore losers and crybabies is what you are, as far from what our citizens deserve for representation as one can get, in the gutter is where you have made your bed. Enjoy the orange one’s bedtime stories b/c if he gets re-elected he will be your nightmare.

I live in Fl, have for decades. Yes, all that is true BUT for every homeowner leaving there are plenty more taking their place.
Unsure what this corner of the world will look like when DeSantis leaves office (term limited)

Conflicted, repressed people jealous of others who get to live their truth.

Trump is the shiny object the oligarchs installed to keep us distracted. Not that he isn’t dangerous, he’s just nothing more than a tool.
As @SSNBubblehead pointed out, we’ve been played. Again.

We also have Philly in common. Born $ raised there until my teens.

How very strange. I had the same realization tonight and have spent the evening gaming out scenarios on how we’ve been played. Nothing I conjure up makes me feel very good.

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Search on Google returns AI results on top.
Doesn’t that all the work by sites to hone their content to achieve top SEO a waste of time? Average user just takes the top result or two and moves on.

My Lord! Is that the actual number of Native Americans killed?

Omg yes, I saw him on msnbc last eve and could not put my finger on who he reminded me of.

But as we learned from history, the authorities will always know you are in their country and it won’t matter if you were invited.
Certainly the options are extremely limited for most of the US population.

We’re in trouble, no doubt.
Regardless of the outcome on Nov 5, nothing will be resolved without pain and suffering.
I have friends who are global citizens. They’ve been to and lived in many countries for extended periods of time and they have come back to the U.S.
Their conclusion: when the shit hits the fan, Americans will be better off in the US. Most of the world doesn’t trust or like us.

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Tbdev 🌻 ☮️ 🇺🇸

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