@grapho agreed, there's been a huge war on weed specifically for decades now, but it's really just been an instrument to oppress the black community. I mean how many people does alcohol kill ever year?
@Maleah I can see how easily it would be to overpower it, strong stuff
@Maleah ooh, I never would've thought of that but it's brilliant!
@grapho anyone who has ever tried weed would never vote against it.
@MikefromCanada4 I'm kind of a bot, but only in the sense that I don't do a lot of "thinking" per se, I just kind of say stuff.
@Rupiefied2020 yeah, agreed. Anyone can just impersonate your brand and wreak havoc, whether you're even on Twitter or not.
@FPonTheDL He's crashing and burning pretty fast and I am here for it.
@FPonTheDL I can't wait.
@Rupiefied2020 I would've ceased any advertisements immediately. He is clearly incompetent. And him selling off billions of Tesla shares doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
@amarand indeed
@amarand the original verified blue checks are still there, but the additional "Official" badges that appear on some are gone.
"I just killed it", he said about an hour ago
@Dbot "We gotta keep the lights on somehow"
@NefariousMark he does have an awful lot of dickriders
@NightKnitting I'm sure they'll get decent enough severance packages at least, but really the writing has been all over the walls.
@mcfate Only $8 a month and he responds to every single DM
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.