@Beanc @Fiikus_goddess ... Overloaded. That's too cute.
@evistre That's good! Keep the momentum. They switched me to Prozac for a bit and that was absolute hell for me for a month but it works for some people.
So strange how it's all hit or miss depending on the person.
@evistre That's probably it, I've always had a relatively poor diet. I can't afford to eat healthy though sadly. :/
My new meds work just fine but I'm not sure which one replaced Wellbutrin.
@evistre lol I bet. The GI stuff for me was really unbearable, how long have you been taking it?
@evistre Wellbutrin didn't do well for me, gave me bad GI issues. Didn't experience insomnia I don't think because I take Ambien for that anyway.
@th3j35t3r Ask her to join CoSo.😎
@Museek Long days and pleasant nights!🙏
@mrbunnylamakins Sickening. Pun intended.
I trust you. If you get somebody who is on Twitter and not on CoSo to watch the entire video https://www.thesocialdilemma.com, and then get them to join CoSo, and introduce them to me, I will give them $10 for two months of coso pro.
@Fiikus_goddess I really like it as a language, since the syntax is so similar. Some of them even sound like slurred English words, like wolf. Ulv.
@insomniacviolin Their attention span is worse than mine, and paying any is their anti-thesis. Sadly.
@insomniacviolin They're completely clueless, it's embarrassing. The word "Patriot" has been completely bastardized.
@Fiikus_goddess Yeah that's my understanding of it. When I started with Norsk it seemed a lot easier, the words are pretty much half English anyway.
I'd heard the same about Danish, this video on it never doesn't make me laugh: https://youtu.be/s-mOy8VUEBk
@th3j35t3r And the tears of the meek flow like a river.
@killagator fahwt
@mrbunnylamakins My mom.. T__T
@Alt_Human That should be a felony.
@th3j35t3r That's PPV worthy right there.
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.