1 thing at a time:
You’re not an idiot.
Too much is stupid.
People deal because that’s life.
@MrsDanaD oh no I promise I'm dumb, trust me. I once tried to make Jello and failed.
@Tail @MrsDanaD If it makes you feel any better, I made a 4x batch of jelly slice ( https://www.recipes.com.au/recipe/best-ever-jelly-slice ), but mistook the teaspoon for tablespoon when adding gelatine ... and I'm pretty sure I used to a 'stronger' type. You had to fight to chew them 😂 It was like trying to eat ballistics gel.
@LazMorgenstern lmao that's exactly what I called mine, ballistic gelatin. All you gotta do is boil water, mix it, out it in the fridge. I didn't want to take the time to boil water so I just used hot water from the tap. Then I didn't want to wait for it to slowly cool in the fridge so I put it in the freezer.
What I pulled out literally couldn't be stabbed through with a steak knife
@LazMorgenstern lmao it could NOT be used as a food ration, completely unable to chew it. Better suited as a kind of self-defense weapon. Who knew gelatin was so versatile.