
Why is it so hard to be Pro Humanity?

Why does anyone feel the need to choose just one sub set?

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@Tacitus_Kilgore Tribalism.Some people, tends to be the weakest,like to be among others they feel safest with.

@FrankCannon The only reason I posed this question is that I'm really confused on this whole Israel/Palestine conflict.

For me, in all honesty, with all the posts and news I see on this I'm unable to determine whose side people are on. I don't know who or what to believe anymore and I think many are in the same situation.

I think the plot has been lost with all the crap we are seeing.

@Tacitus_Kilgore There's tons of disinformation being sown on both sides,one more than the other though.Too many people are playing to their own biases though and sharing their preferred flavour of it from their preferred sources. Best thing,in my opinion,is verify anything through several trusted sources.Never,not ever,propagandists who share only one side of the story.

@FrankCannon Is it wrong that I feel distressed over what is happening to innocent people on both sides?

I'm actually fearful of even asking that question because I feel someone could/would attack me for saying it.

@Tacitus_Kilgore If anything it shows your humanity.There's plenty that would attack,I'm not one.I spent a lot of time operational through some of the worst years of The Troubles and saw the impact it had on the people with no interest in either side.It was devastating in some cases.I've been to war several times,seen what happens to the innocent and that had a very deep affect on me.I wouldn't wish for that kind of imagery to become day to day viewing for others,but it sadly now has.

@FrankCannon Honestly, do they even know what they are fighting for? An ideology that is thousands of years old and has been manipulated so many times that it comes down to the old tired excuse of "it's just the way it's always been." So effing stupid.

@Tacitus_Kilgore Pretty much the same as all the other religions.This conflict is infinitely more layered though.There's a lot humming on in the background that some people don't even want to acknowledge.The only side I'm taking is that innocent civilians do not need to be indiscriminately bombed and their heritage and infrastructure destroyed. That's collective punishment and falls into the war crime slot.

@Tacitus_Kilgore @FrankCannon

I have chosen to stay out of the discussion. I am not an expert on world affairs/politics or centuries long wars.

It breaks my heart to see CoSo people attacked here over war.

I refuse to participate.

It just poisons the violent mind.

@LnzyHou I've seen only one side calling for the eradication of the other. @Tacitus_Kilgore

@Tacitus_Kilgore I have staunchly been on the side of the innocent for years. And its gotten me called antisemetic or islamaphobic by various people despite my not saying who I am explicitly talking about most of the time.

The fact is people are dying that shouldn't be. One groups bad actions do not legitmize or excuse the other's bad actions. Bad is bad.

There is far too much suffering happening. Being able to see it means you still have your humanity.



Good Omens has a scene between the main characters, talking about Jesus getting crucified.

"What did he say that got everyone so upset?"
"Love one another."
"Yeah, that'll do it."

It's both tragic and comedic. I'm sure you can see why.


@FrankCannon Thank you Frank. This has cleared some of this up for me. I will always be on the side of humanity, as a whole. @sentientdessert


2018, Bad Wolves covered Zombie by the Cranberries, and the updated lyrics change the message from the events that inspired the original creation to a broader accusation of what happens in modern conflicts. Dolores was scheduled to record the song with the band but regretably passed shortly before.

If you've not heard it, I do recommend it. Many see and try to fight against the wrongs in their own way.


@sentientdessert Terms like those have been weaponised with the sole intent of silencing dissenting voices. @Tacitus_Kilgore

I actually feel the same way! It's absolutely heartbreaking to see innocent people being maimed and killed on both sides. Some people expect people to take sides. It should never come to that when innocent people are dying. I mean, would it be wrong of me to feel compassion towards the innocent people in Russia who are also being killed? I personally am anti war! It solves absolutely nothing. It only serves the Military Industrial Complex.

@Spagesgallo1 ๐Ÿ‘ War is business and business right now,if you'll excuse the pun,is booming. @Tacitus_Kilgore

@FrankCannon @Tacitus_Kilgore

Exactly Frank! Exactly! Business is booming at the expense of people's lives! I had always dreamed that I would see world peace in my lifetime! deluded am I?

@FrankCannon @Tacitus_Kilgore

Yes, hope springs eternal! I am a die hard optimist! Always wanted to leave future generations a better world!

@Spagesgallo1 I've been on the side of peace for sometime now,it'll come eventually. @Tacitus_Kilgore

@FrankCannon @Tacitus_Kilgore

It was always meant to become a chaotic clusterfuck, by design and cause, division and distrust and confusion.

It's important to look at who benefited (Putin, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, sociopathic militant Palestinians,, Trump and the MAGA GOP, Netenyahu) from the inhuman barbarism of Oct 7th and keep them first and foremost in understanding what's happening now. Israel was manipulated into a untenable fucked up position made worst by its criminal PM.


@FrankCannon @Tacitus_Kilgore

The civilians of Gaza were turned into human shields and fodder by extremists. Israel blind with with a rightful need to rout those people out never deviated from what their response from something like OCT 7th would be. They couldve taken more care not to get sucked in so quickly and get as many civilians out as possible before they attacked. Time was on their side at that point IMHO.

Operatives are fomenting the protests for radicalizaton and confusion...

@TheAbbotTrithemius The Israeli response has been unrelentingly out of proportion though.It's in their very psyche to be that way.I can't get behind,nor support a country that retaliates to the point of commiting war crimes with impunity on a daily basis.And with the backing and support of the major western powers. @Tacitus_Kilgore

@tgraph52 The tide is turning against Israel for anyone with even a scrap of empathy.Sadly though,even some very high profile and scouringly intelligent Jewish academics have been labelled as anti-semitic for their refusal to support Zionism. @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

@FrankCannon @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

"labelled as anti-semitic for their refusal to support Zionism"

kind of says it all about the black and white thinking going on

@tgraph52 It's how they roll.Purely to silence anyone who dares speak out against them. @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

@FrankCannon @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

I'm a Biden supporter. I believe he's been trying to bring a more humanitarian form of governance back to America for the first time in decades. I don't understand why he's not taking a more humanitarian stand on israel's special friend status when they are behaving in such a barbaric way. in Gaza and the West Bank. But I've felt that way about it longer than his presidency.

@FrankCannon @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

I continue to hope in vain that humanitarian needs will rise above the ๐Ÿ’ฒ ๐Ÿ’ฒ ๐Ÿ’ฒ ๐Ÿ’ฒ

@tgraph52 There seems to be enough anti-government sentiment reflected in protests all around the world right now to almost make me believe we're seeing the start of just that. @TheAbbotTrithemius @Tacitus_Kilgore

@ITKV It gets harder and harder to navigate through the shite. @Tacitus_Kilgore

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