Interesting, and disturbing read. I still can't believe some even considered recalling retired military for court marshalling for speaking out against the insurrection! I guess speech is only free when it's not in opposition.
Been saying this for ages!!! These voters just don't pay attention to what's happening behind the curtains!
@TheNightOwler Sleep Well, and keep giggling!
Go Get 'em, George!!!!
#FriendsOfGeorgeSantos #SantosForSpeakerWhyNot
Republican George Devolder-Santos Got Cash From Andrew Intrater Cousin of Russian Oligarch Viktor Vekselberg
Love the wind visualizations, @MyRadar!! Not sure I'm enjoying being this close to the center of this low pressure system, tho!
Good ole conservative values at work! Nothing like lying about founding a pet rescue to get yourself elected! Scumbag
Twitter just announced new policy banning links to many competitors...
Here for the social, not the drama!
Gaming, Music, Art, and Tech.